THAT is when I saw this game the first time, I couldn't believe it wasn't banned instantly! it really is THAT violent but only if YOU want it to be! soaking an innocent bystander in gasoline, lighting him or her up, watch them burn. then, get your penis out (oh yeah, you read right!), P*SS on him/her to put out the flames, then stand on the burnt, dying body as it crawls away. Soaking an innocent bystander in gasoline, lighting him or her up, watch them burn.

When I saw this game the first time, I couldn't believe it wasn't banned instantly! it really is THAT violent but only if YOU want it to be! The only real problem I can say is that the redneck enemy type is prone to bugging out into an infinte spouting of "Yeeha-woo-yeeha-woo-yeeha-woo" and that it is sort of short, it can be beat in about 3 hours if you are good at it. Honestly, the violence is all played for laughs and has roughly the same physics as an episode of Loony Toons. The biggest sticking point of this game is the crudness of it all, what with the ability to shoot a cop, shock him until he falls to the ground, and pee on his crumpled, barely alive form.
#Postal 2 cat silencer gif series#
Paradise is anything but, and the developers tried thier hardest to let you explore every last nook of every last dying business, crack empourium, and trashy home of this h***-hole, this makes a stark contrast to stuff like the GTA series where you can explore a massive cityscape, but almost all of the buildings are pretty much painted boxes that you can't enter. Now on to the town this playground of death takes place in, Paradise. An early example of this is Monday's "Buy some milk" errand, you can stand in a line, that they thoughtfully custom coded NPC's to specifically annoy you, or you steal it, almost gaurnteeing that you will find yourself trying to evade the storeowner and the police. You start each day outside of your trailer home with a list of errands to do and the scummy city of Paradise, and the game basically just says "Go nuts!" and has you try to make anyway you want towards completing your objectives. An early example of this is Monday's "Buy some A rather interesting little game, I would say this is one of the best examples of an open-word game, even now. A rather interesting little game, I would say this is one of the best examples of an open-word game, even now.