However, more research is needed to conclusively determine whether these lifestyle adjustments should be dogmatically recommended to all GERD patients. The researchers think that perhaps lying on the left side helps to keep your stomach and its gastric fluids at lower levels than the esophagus during sleep, which may be beneficial for minimising the effects of heartburn. Scientific research has demonstrated that sleeping on the right side appears to aggravate reflux. It also seems that GERD victims may benefit from sleeping with their heads elevated. Yes, it appears likely that sleeping on the left side could potentially help to reduce heartburn. Can Sleeping on Your Left Side Help People Who Suffer from Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)? This increases the likelihood of having your bowel movement first thing in the morning.

That’s correct – the small intestine moves waste to your right side to make its way to the large intestine and then to the lower colon on the left side. To the left, to the left! Did you know that sleeping on your left side can promote better coordination between your digestive system and GRAVITY? There’s a simpler remedy to try if you really want to improve irregular sleeping patterns due to indigestion – adjust your sleeping position! Sleep on Your Left Side Who’d want to wake up to constipation, heartburn, or even acid reflux? Digestion problems are a pain to deal with.